Sunday Worship - 10.00am
Followed by After-Service Fellowship over coffee, tea and refreshments.

"To know, love and serve Christ"
12 Morris Street, Palmerston North

About Us
The History of Grace City Church
Mr Bathurst arrived in Palmerston North in 1937 as a Grassland Research scientist for the Diary Institute based at Massey University. After World War II (1939-1945), there was an influx of Chinese immigrants and Mr Bathurst saw a need for the Chinese people to learn English in their newly adopted country. He began to offer English lessons using the Bible. In this way the Chinese people came to learn about Jesus.
At first, Mr Bathurst had with him Kiwi friends who supported the Chinese Mission and together with a few faithful Chinese Christians, welcomed and encouraged the Chinese people to Sunday worship. Children’s Ministry began in 1954 and went through to 1991. At one time, up to 60 children were picked up each Sunday and given Bible lessons. Parents were invited annually to Easter and Christmas functions as well as a Picnic at Foxton Beach during Wellington Anniversary weekend — all opportunities to fellowship and share Christ’s love.
Mr Bathurst began his ministry in a room at the All Saints Anglican Church Hall. He and his co-workers then moved to several other locations including his own large rambling home at 46 Te Awe Awe St. In 1970, they purchased a large building at 96 Napier Road which became the home of the PN Chinese Mission alongside the Manawatu Chinese Association Hall. His mission was to reach out to the Chinese people with the help of fellow Christians.
In 1987 the Palmerston North Chinese Mission became Grace Church Palmerston North. In 1997 the Church was changed to Grace Church International. In 2002 the Church moved to 12 Morris Street and was renamed Grace City Church. The Church continues to welcome all nationalities who desire to know, love and serve Jesus.
Statement of Faith
Grace City Church is a community of those who are repentant of their sin, who have been saved by personal faith In Jesus Christ through his atoning death and resurrection, who publicly proclaim their faith and are committed to the Church's mission, vision, functions and values.
We are a community of people who believe in:
The Trinity and Unity of the Godhead — one God revealed as God the Father, Jesus Christ the Son and the Holy Spirit.
The deity of the Lord Jesus Christ, His miraculous conception by the Holy Spirit, His Virgin birth, His sinless life, His miracles, His vicarious sufferings and atoning death through His shed blood, His bodily resurrection, His ascension to the right hand of the Father and His personal return in power and glory.
The work of the Holy Spirit as the one who brings about repentance and empowers and imparts spiritual gifts to the Church.
The divine inspiration of the Bible and its final authority in matters of faith and practice
Salvation by personal faith in the Lord Jesus Christ alone.
The resurrection of Our Lord Jesus Christ and the promise of His Second Advent and the eternal of the saved and eternal punishment of the lost.
Membership of the Church for those who have been saved by personal faith in Jesus Christ.
The immersion of believers as the scriptural form of baptism.
Celebration of the Lord's Supper by the gathered Church
The one holy, universal Church which is the body of Christ to which all true believers belong.